Thursday, February 18, 2010

Gallstones Signs And Symptoms Long Term Consequences Of Untreated Gallbladder Problems?

Long term consequences of untreated gallbladder problems? - gallstones signs and symptoms

I guess I have gall bladder problems, all the signs and symptoms are present. Recently my time has been reduced from a full-time to part-time beau, I lost my health coverage through my work. I need to get my check I was, but my recent experience with being uninsured visit the emergency room and was dishearting same. Once you know which documents you do not, as he does not want to see or treatment. Who knows what happens when the stones or bladder diease?


Blah said...

In fact, if you have gallbladder problems are not solved, this can be detrimental to the pancreas for a cause. If there are large stones, for example, and begin to block the channels can cause inflammation of the pancreas. There is more pain / discomfort.

But there is a self-diagnosis. An important thing to determine is that if you go through the pain, he may not be reliable in the stomach, ie the location of pain or discomfort are not always correlated with the location of the problem.

A treatment system that people like dirt, assured, is shameful. Pathetic. These doctors are a disgrace to the profession.

What is the clinical emergency care? Are you there? I do not know the details of the system, but perhaps if we remember with joyDoctors (if you want to deny), took the oath of Hippocrates.

pixles said...

Finally something is happening. I had a gallbladder disease by at least 15 years or more. At first I had severe cramps and agonizing pain and vomiting. For years, he stopped, but I always feel full. and had constipation and diarrhea. In 2006, he was under stress and has a real sharp pain and fever with .. I was told I had an infection and was welcomed in my gallbladder, never really explain, what he meant, I suppose crush gallstones. Well, I had my gallbladder removed, and feel better.

The symptoms of gallstones is pain in the upper right side of the trunk back hurts and causes pain when bending forward .. Discomfort after eating rich or fatty foods, gas and heartburn.

They should not beYou go to an emergency room. There should be no clinical low cost, somewhere in your area, most cities it .. Likely to qualify. You will receive a percentage of their salary.

In the meantime, do not eat fatty or fried foods, making it the worst ..

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